Surf the web anonymously in 5 steps (Linux)
This might be your solution to browse the internet without giving away your identity that easily.
Tor is the most known browser in the game of anonymous browsing, but what if you don’t to give up your favorite browser? Easy!
First step
Install tor and privoxy. Don’t forget to update your Linux first!
sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install tor privoxy
Second step
After the installation you have to edit the configuration file located in /etc/privoxy/config.
sudo /etc/privoxysudo nano config
Add this line to the file. This SOCK will connect your requests to the internet.
forward-socks5 /
Third step
Start both tor and privoxy services.
sudo service tor start
sudo service privoxy start
You might want to check if they are both up and running.
sudo service tor status
sudo service privoxy status
Fourth step
On your favorite browser go to Settings and then Preferences. Deep down you will find Network Settings.
Now you just have to set the same values.
Fifth step
Test your connection!